Richard and Lucy invite you to the festival of 2021

Also our wedding!

So, 2020 was supposed to be the year we got married, instead we got a dog…

We have had to make some changes to our wedding, so below is the new intinerary:

Thursday 29th July: Legal Ceremony, 11 am @ Normanton Church please arrive in time to take your seats by 10.45. This is followed by a small gathering by invite only (Exeter Arms, 28 Main St, Barrowden, Oakham LE15 8EQ). We don’t want this gathering to be a reception so the main party will still be on the Saturday!

Saturday 31st July: Wedding Reception, 1 pm @ Buckminster Barn, please arrive by 12/12.30. For those that can’t make the ceremony on the Thursday we will still be having a reading and Lucy will still be walking down an aisle!